Workplace Wellness


Cultivating a Practice

In-Person Classes and Workshops

Location in Old Sugar Land/address to be sent after registration

Saturdays 8-9am: IN-PERSON Slow Flow Yoga class
$12 for a class pass, discounted if you purchase a class package. In-person space is limited.


Sunday, November 10th: Restorative Yoga Workshop with Essential Oils and Light Massage

5-6:15pm. Join me for a 75m Restorative Yoga practice with essential oils and light massage to allow your body and mind to rest and recharge. We’ll start with 10 minutes of gentle seated yoga and move into restorative yoga. Unlike other yoga practices, restorative yoga encourages space for being rather than doing. Poses, done seated or lying down and with the support of props, including bolsters, blankets, and blocks, are held for 5-10 minutes to encourage the body to release tension.  In addition to the physical poses and light massage with essential oils, breathwork techniques will be used to release tension in the mind. This practice emphasizes rest and stillness over anything else. Perfect for all levels especially those looking for nourishment and self-care. Investment: $35


More information for all classes: 

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Previous workshops: 
Unplug | Renew | Reset: A half-day retreat with yoga, meditation, sound bath, freeform painting and a vegetarian dinner
Sound Bath/Meditation: An immersion in a bath of pure sound to move into a more profound state of relaxation using crystal and Himalayan singing bowls and chimes.
Introduction to Meditation: A workshop to de-mystify the esoteric practice of meditation, delve into the brain science and learn techniques to quiet the mental chatter.
Soulful Release: Dance Party: A 7:30-9pm movement event to get out of our minds and into our bodies.